Did you know, that only 2-5% of all applicants get the job? At the time I was hired, there have been about half a million applications received by the airline every year. How many made it? Only a few thousand…
1. Business attire
I attended open day twice. I was wearing business attire, but not the right one. My skirt was grey, my blazer was in a navy color.
For my second open day, I wore a white shirt, navy blazer, and navy skirt. No pants! No short skirts! It should be one color. Not mix and match.
2. Perfect makeup and hair
You need to look perfect for the open day. They need to see what you would look like if you were working for them. I didn’t wear that level of makeup before. I had to take my friend to the shop to show me what I needed to buy. And show me how to put it on my face.
3. Photos
They don’t need to be taken by professionals in a studio. I took mine at home, in front of a white wall. I probably had too much makeup on for the first set of pictures. For the second open day, I had another set of photographs ready with the makeup required. It worked.
After the interview, they will ask you to deliver more photos. I had those taken in a professional photo studio. It was the time when they had been thinking if they wanted to hire me or not. I needed great photos. You will need them too.
4. To be in shape
As bad as it can sound, that is reality. This airline has much higher standards than most of the others. Compare the models walking the shows for Victoria’s Secret and the ones who you see in the pictures in the supermarket flyer.
You can get mad and say that it isn’t fair, that it’s discrimination. But trust me, this job is about a lot of physical work. Lifting things, standing for long hours, walking kilometers during the flight, and having your ankles swollen after every landing.
1. Languages
English is enough. Fluent and without a strong accent. You don’t have to speak any other language. It can be a plus point towards your recruitment but not a condition.
2. Know the geography
You will learn when you will start flying. No, you aren’t expected to know what’s the capital of Zimbabwe.
1. Tattoos in visible places
Don’t waste your time coming to the open day if you have a tattoo on a spot that would be visible when in uniform. There are NO exceptions. I heard the story when a girl made it through the recruitment and started the training in Dubai hiding her tattoo and covering it with makeup. The company found out. She needed to pay for all the expenses, training, flight tickets, and accommodation. Not worth it.
2. Unnatural hair color, highlights, etc.
Change your hair color to the “allowed” one before coming for the open day. You can come with blue hair, but the chances of being hired are significantly lower. Even if you promise them that you’re going to change them back to your natural color right after you are accepted.
3. Large visible scars or birthmarks
I know you can’t change this part of your story, but it is true. Scars are imperfections for them.
4. To be late
Once you are late for your open day, they will note it down, and that’s it. They don’t care about the reasons. If you have an excuse to be late for the open day, you would find an excuse to be late for the flight. And that’s a huge problem for them.
1. Not enough confidence
I was stressed during both open days. I wasn’t confident enough. Am I good enough? Is my English good enough? Do I have enough experience? Am I pretty enough?
These questions are on the spin in your head. They stopped me the first time I tried. The second time, I took the approach of “fake it until you make it”. I was smiling, I showed them that yes, I AM ENOUGH. That’s what they want to see.
You don’t have to be perfect. Nobody is. You have to be confident, you have to behave as if you belong.
2. Mix and match formal attire
I mentioned this one earlier already. Don’t mix and match. Buy two pieces one colored business attire.
3. Not ready what to say
I didn’t know what was going to happen. What they are going to ask? Is there going to be a real conversation? A short interview?
It was one question. One answer. Few seconds to create the first impression.
On my first open day, I was asked what’s my current job. I started talking, but I stopped thinking. My first sentence didn’t make sense and I stopped. Then I put myself together and continued, but it was too late…
I was ready for my second open day. I knew what the first round of interviews looked like and what to say. I was confident, I smiled a lot.
There can be many different questions asked, for example: Why do you want to work for Emirates? Have you ever lived abroad? What do you think will make you a great cabin crew? etc… How do I know that? Keep reading…
I was doing my research, reading blogs, and going through Instagram pictures. One day I got the idea. Maybe there is a book written about this? Because it is a big deal, at least for the people who dream about this all their life. And THERE IS A BOOK!
More details, more information. From the person, who has been doing the recruitment!
I bought an ebook, made notes, highlighted the most important information, AND GOT THE JOB! Click on the image to purchase it for yourself!
Working for the best!
Why should you go through all these things “just” to work for the airline? Every job, every position has its ups and downs. Read my story here – why it is really a dream job.
And be ready for more! I’m working on one more article explaining step-by-step what to expect during Open Day and how to receive a Golden call. If you don’t know what I mean, stay tuned…
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